Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tehran's Air Pollution

            The article I looked at was about Tehran's air pollution due to its very large population and geographic features. In the article it explains that like Los Angels, Tehran is surrounded by mountains keeping the toxic air in but that Tehran pollution is 4 times worse than that of Los Angles.  What makes this situation worse is the sanctions on refined gasoline imposed by the United States has made the people in Iran resort  to making their own gasoline which has much worse admissions known as "bathtub gas".
            The politics of the region around oil and gasoline have a direct connection with the environmental problems facing Iran's capital. Due to Iran's economic situation Iranian people are forced to make cheaper environmentally threatening decisions i.e. "bathtub gas". What this means for the people of Tehran are major health implications from the toxic air. Many people in this area are sick or even dying from the pollution, People don't even want to go outside. As well as people in cities near Tehran and other parts of that region people may be affected by this pollution since there is just mass amounts.
            The situation in Tehran will effect many aspects of the region such as economic development, public health, and population growth. In the article it talks about how Iran;s currency lost 40 percent of its value, leaving a lot of iranian people wondering if the entire economy is going to collapse. The economy in Tehran is defiantly being effect by the pollution problems. Tourism to the capital is going to be very low if people don't even want to be outside. Many people in this region may be even trying to leave the area and migrate somewhere with better air quality which will hurt the economy even more. With the economy int he state it is in Iran the chances of much globalization will be pretty low. The opportunities for growth are just not there.

 Not only are politics effecting the environment in Tehran but also the population. The article mentions that Tehran is on of the most polluted cities in the world. To cut down on some of the air pollution they have enforced a strict traffic control measure that only allows cars with even number license plate to only drive on even days and odd licenses plates to drive on odd days. There are just to many people pack into one small area and the polluted air can't be filtered out. Many people in this area are sick or even dying from the pollution, People don't even want to go outside.

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